The Community Agricultural Tankloader Facilities were developed and constructed by the municipality for use by municipal ratepayers. A Community Agricultural Tankloader Agreement must completed prior to use and this agreement can be accessed through the M.D. of Wainwright Office. The water at all Tankloader locations is considered non-potable water.
Authorized usages include the following:
- Watering livestock
- Filling nurse tanks for crop spraying (No direct filling of sprayers allowed)
- Watering shelterbelts
- Watering gardens
- Fire protection
- Water may be used for domestic well drilling (special approval required)
- Dust control (special approval required)
The Tankloader Facilities can be found at the following locations:
Giltedge Tankloader |
Irma Tankloader |
Ribstone Tankloader |
Note: The Ribstone Tankloader is a Restricted Use Site – No Livestock watering due to high Arsenic levels