About The Agricultural Service Board
The Agricultural Service Board will provide agricultural programs and services to the rural resident to address their ever changing needs and to enhance and protect our viable and sustainable agricultural community.
Mission Statement
The Municipal District of Wainwright Agricultural Service Board will promote and coordinate programs and services in the areas of weeds, pests, soil and water conservation, environmental concerns and a variety of other issues relevant to the rural community. The Agricultural Service Board, ASB Staff, Agricultural producers, rural acreage owners and industry will work together to maintain a vibrant and sustainable rural community. Strong policies, adequate funding and innovative programming will ensure the Board’s continued success. The Agricultural Service Board will consist of members that have strong community bonds and agricultural interests and knowledge. The Board will provide direction for the Agricultural Service Board Staff and sound recommendations to Council for input into effective policies and programming.
Guiding Principles
Administration and M.D. Council are Committed to having an effective Agricultural Service Board and having qualified staff deliver innovative and effective agricultural and environmental programming to their ratepayers and rural community.
Legislation – Committed to having staff effectively carrying out duties and responsibilities as designated by or initiated through the Municipal Government Act, Agricultural Service Board Act, Weed Control Act, Agricultural Pests Act, Soil Conservation Act, Animal Health Act, Forest and Prairie Protection Act, Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, Alberta Land Stewardship Act and any other Act that may become involved while carrying out our duties.
ASB Program Delivery – Committed to having effective and innovative agricultural and environmental programming to meet the needs of our rural residents, acreage owners and local industry within the M.D. of Wainwright.