M.D. of Wainwright Rural Extension Survey Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.What rural area are you from?WainwrightIrmaChauvinEdgertonNeighbouring MunicipalityPlease select which area you are from.What kind of farming operation do you have?GrainCattleMixedOtherWhat type of extension topics are you interested in?AgronomySuccession PlanningBack yard farming (Chicken, Canning, Bees, Honey, Etc)Shelterbelt Planning/Tree Care/Tree Insects and DiseasesCrop TechnologyRural CrimeSoil HealthRegenerative AgricultureSeptic Sense/Water WellsMarketingGrazing ManagementEnvironmental Sustainability (Wetlands, Riparian Fencing, Off Site Watering Systems, Etc)Please select all that apply.Are there any other specific topics you are interested in?When is the best time to host a webinar?Lunch & LearnMorningAfternoonEveningPlease select all that apply.What is your preferred length of webinar?One hourTwo hoursThree hoursAny additional comments?Submit