This is the soil capability for the M.D. of Wainwright. If you would like a a 30″x42″ printed version please contact the Administration office at 780-842-4454 and arrange for pickup. Printed maps will cost $20.00 per map.
So, you’ve heard about the wild boar bounty program. Here’s what you need to know:
First and foremost, the M.D. of Wainwright is not participating in this initiative at this time. There are currently only three Municipalities signed up in Alberta to partake in this one-year pilot running from April 1st, 2022 until March 31st, 2023.
Why? There are several factors at play, including:
– There are active “whole sounder” trapping programs being run by both the Alberta Government and Alberta Pork. Any Municipality with active sounder trapping is not eligible to participate in the bounty program, and vise versa if you are participating in the bounty program you are not eligible to partake in these trapping programs. In the M.D. of Wainwright, we are not currently aware of any resident wild boar populations. Should we become aware of boar within our borders the plan of action is to engage professional trappers to remove the population in its entirety.
– Hunting efficacy. It has been proven that the recreational hunting of wild boar is not an effective control option, let alone a viable way to eradicate them. Boar are highly intelligent and adaptable and will become increasingly elusive when exposed to hunting pressures.
If you spot wild boar or signs of their presence you are encouraged to ‘Squeal on Pigs’ by emailing, calling 310-FARM, or by contacting the M.D. Agricultural Services Department.